Small Entity Focus Group

Approved by the WICF Small Entity Focus Group


The Small Entities Focus Group mission is to support small registered entities comply with applicable North American Electric Reliability Corporation (“NERC”) Reliability Standards and the overall reliability of the Bulk Electric System (“BES”).


The purpose of the Small Entity Focus Group is to create a forum for small entities to facilitate discussions between small entities that are subject to NERC Reliability Standards and other small entities, subject matter experts, regulators and other parties of interest.

Small registered entities are in a unique position, many NERC Reliability Standards often do not consider the small, distribution nature, non-Balancing Authority, vertically integrated structure of many small entities. In addition, a small entity may have reduced compliance obligations and longer audit schedules compared to a larger entity. Most small entities must assign this task and many other unrelated compliance tasks to a single individual. Therefore, the ability for small entities to track and implement new developments in compliance is challenging requiring tailored resource support. Further, limited resources make it difficult to offer constructive
comments to standard development efforts. This coupled with less available staff to self-monitor and develop a compliance program adds to the value of Small Entity Focus Group outreach efforts. The Small Entity Focus Group is
focused on providing this specialized support.

Activities, Duties, and Responsibilities

This Focus Group has identified the following tools for small entity compliance personnel to successfully develop and maintain a compliance program, keep abreast of new developments, and present a positive and effective
influence in efforts to develop and revise new Reliability Standards that impact small entities. Focus Group members will:

  • Bring compliance concepts to small entities in a manner that is tailored for individuals who cannot devote full time to compliance.
  • Maintain small entity awareness of current Reliability Standard developments, compliance and enforcement efforts, including best practices and appropriately sized Internal Controls.
  • Collect and assimilate small entity comments and provide input in Reliability Standard development.
  • Facilitate small entity presentations at Western Interconnection Compliance Forum (“WICF”) and other meetings as needed.
  • Support for small entity Peer Sharing events.


  • Schedule Monthly conference calls with an agenda
  • Communicate through Email
  • Coordinate with oher focus groups, as appropriate
  • Develop understanding of future standard impacts
  • Decisions reached by consensus of participating Focus Group members
  • Invite subject matter expert guests to present at the Monthly calls, as appropriate


Membership in the Small Entity Focus Group is open to all active WICF members. Non-WICF members that may be allowed to participate as a guest with the consent of the Focus Group Chair and WICF Steering Committee

The Focus Group Chair will announce the non-WICF member as a guest during calls and meetings. If interested in becoming a member, you are encouraged to join by contacting the Chair, Vice Chair, or WICF Steering Committee Sponsor.


All Small Entity Focus Group members are encouraged to participate in meetings and contribute to the Focus Group activities as their time permits. Members are encouraged to identify topics of interest, so they can be discussed and added to meeting agenda.


Current Chair: Dale Dunckel, Okanogan County Public Utility District No. 1
Current Vice Chair: Robert Rothstein, ENMAX Corporation
Current WICF Steering Committee Sponsor: Russ Noble, Cowlitz County Public Utility District

Dale Dunckel, via the WICF Contact Us page.

Version History: Revisions to the charter will be developed by the Focus Group and approved by the WICF Steering Committee. Version 1 Date: September 11, 2014 – Charter Established Version 2 Date: March 25, 2019 – Revisions to align with template